ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 39: Medal


Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 39: Medal    


It was an evening. It was drizzling, breaking through the golden rays of the sun. Pandian turned back hearing the footsteps. Three men- Kasim, the chief of the North Sumathra freedom fighters, Colonel Lubis, the liaison officer of the Republican army and his assistant Simbolon- entered the room.

After the initial entreaties, they all sat around the table. The attender brought them tea. Colonel Lubis slid his hand into his pant pocket and took out “Abdullah” vial. “It is my humble gift to Raja Uttang. We seized it from a Dutch major last week” he said.

“Thank you, colonel sir”

“He received the vial, screwed it open, took out some cigarettes and gave it everyone. Lubis adjusted his shirt with his left hand as he took out the cigarette from his mouth holding it between right hand fingers.

“Major, the republican Army carefully examined your request”. Clutching the cigarette between his lips, he adjusted his shirt with both hands. “We understand it is extremely difficult to stay in the jungle for long. Would you appreciate our suggestion that you could spend some time on vocation either in Shibolka or Limpong?”

“I must go home now”

“Is there any possibility to revisit your decision?”

“I am sorry”

A deep silence followed it for seconds.

Captain Simbolon poured out tea into cups from the jug. All drank it.

“If then, it is alright” Lubis kept the cup on the table and said, “Both the government of Indonesia and its people are well aware of the un-paralleled service you rendered. I have come here to honor you with the top most gallantry award of the Republic on behalf of the supreme army commander”

“Thank you so much, colonel”

A silence followed once again in the room. They puffed on cigarettes in silence. The sun light was growing dim outside the window.

“Major, you may be aware of the siege of the Dutch Navy. You have to go to Malaya first while going home. Right? What is your plan to go to Malaya?”

“By some boat”

“It would be difficult to cross the sea. The Dutch would have gathered information about you by now”

“I believe I can make some arrangements with the help of my friends in Medan”

“I can make an arrangement taking the route to Philippines through Java, if you want. But it will delay your journey. We can’t do anything immediately about it now”

“I believe I can cross the sea from here”

“Let it be your decision. I have one more thing to discuss. You must have a lot of friends in Malaya. Will you be able to arrange sending the cargo from here hoodwinking the Dutch navy’s siege?”

“I can do something about it only after going there”

“Inje Ahamed Bin Rahman, the Republic’s representative in Penang has the power to discuss this matter as to take a favourable decision. I’ll send him a letter”

“Wherever I disembark in Malaya, I would definitely go to Penang and pay him a visit for sure”

Colonel Lubis rose from his chair, others too followed him.

Next day morning, was there a parade of the First Division of North Sumathra Guerilla Strike force. Colonel lubis decked Major Pandian’s shirt with the supreme gallantry medal or his valour and gave a speech on him.


Pandian sent a message to Muthu alias Kampong Dara Mukhtar.

Replay came negative. “Not possible”

Another message went to Kampong Dara again. “This assistance should be extended by any means possible. For money, you can meet Jalan Kuda Haji Ruslan Ali”

Reply came from Mukhtar. “After Monday, but before Wednesday, go to Alamelu’s house situated at western corner and send me message from there. Do not enter Medan city in the night. A stringent curfew is in place. Don’t enter in day time too as there wouldn’t be crowd around. Evening 5-7 will be the correct time. Do follow the instructions from Alamelu. Market Straat Moping master has agreed to arrange a ‘bird ride’.


                                             ***Chapter 39 “Medal” ended***

Chapter 40: “Kerk Straat” will be posted soon.