Showing posts with label Ma. Aranganathan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ma. Aranganathan. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Accomplishment (சித்தி) by Ma. Aranganathan

Ma. Aranganathan

This is an English translation of “Siddhi”, a Tamil short story written by Ma. Aranganathan. Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam. 


The number of playgrounds was less there. The area where he lived was actually owned by the police department. A policeman who was watching him attentively for a long time stopped his running one day and commented, “Thambi, you must obtain permission to practice running here. Nevertheless, you are a talented runner. You’ll succeed one day” and spent some time talking with him. 

Though sports didn’t command much of a reputation in that country, the people were aware of players through television news. As they were so accustomed to accepting their life laden with difficulties without making any ostensible complaints, sports had failed to attract their attention. The people remained content with playing local games, which they had been comfortable with for a long time. Their knowledge about ‘Olympics’ was nothing beyond passing information. The soil of that land did appear something unique in the world, and it was where he was running. 

“What are you studying?” the policeman asked him but continued talking without pausing to listen to his reply. 

“You must be properly counselled before taking up running. I was also a runner once but didn’t continue it. You have got a better strength for your age than what I had those days. We can do one thing. Will you listen to my words?” 

He bobbed his head. 

“Go to this address and meet the old man. Good will happen.” 

He thanked him in a lowered voice. He had to get his hair trimmed that day; it was quite likely that the money would be spent otherwise, which would turn into a disaster as it was nearly impossible for him to get some dough again in hand. In such a critical situation, the reply and thanks he extended to the policeman couldn’t have been very satisfactory. Despite it, the policeman gave him an address and encouraged him to pay a visit to the old man. 

He got himself ready the next day and went to the house as far as two miles away from his place. It was a big, palatial bungalow. One had to walk down the path where trees were thickly grown, lying beyond the building’s compound wall, to have a full view of the building. The moment he stepped onto that path, his legs grew reflexively ready to sprint given its neatly extended stretch. He had a momentary thought it would be appealing if the house had such a clean stretch of path running around it. The old man was sitting on a three-legged stool in front of the entrance surrounded with shrub.

The old man wasn’t prepared to receive him. But the boy’s gait seen from a distance might have reminded him of something. He wished to have a closer glance at the person walking at a distance. He even wanted to inquire of that boy why he hadn’t met him earlier. Their conversation was very cordial and simple. “Our country has gone into ruins. Isn’t it the duty of youth to save its honour?” the old man asked him, loudly, though. He tried to make him laugh through wry jokes that one had to start running well before he could walk. 

The old man must be about sixty years old or so. He had devoted his entire life for the sake of sports. Other mundanities of this world could be easily executed with the help of machines, but not sports, he strongly believed. The picture, which had once been published in almost all newspapers of that country, must be his. Quite possible that he had no good number of students. Most of them must have joined the police department. 

“I have devoted my talent in sports for the sake of this country,” said the old man. 

His eyes were glittering. They truly reflected what he spoke. He didn’t appear to be a man telling lies. 

The boy learnt the ropes of sports during months-long training under the aegis of the old man. He would get up in the early morning before sunrise and start his run on highways. He would ask his brother to get onto his shoulder and run for miles carrying him on his back. The old man had arranged for his diet. A diet plan was made by carefully omitting items that mostly contained fat, which the boy used to relish more, and he followed the plan so scrupulously without failing a time. Movies and documentaries pertaining to sportspersons from other countries and competitions held elsewhere were shown in the house. Eventually he was made the best athlete of that country. 

On one occasion, when he was watching a wrestling match, the old man explained to him about those two countries that participated in the competition. His talk was replete with information that sounded like an emotionally charged elucidation on various countries, peoples, and races that the boy hadn’t ever come across in his life. It was almost like a well-executed oration.

He delved into those videos again. The roaring reception of people shown on screen during the games was not new to him. But while watching the scenes of frantic yells from the audience while seeing a foreign boxer profusely bleed from his nose after being severely smacked and a visitor throwing away his burnt cigarette butt onto the floor and savagely crushing it under his feet, he felt some inscrutable alarm settle in him. Later he could understand that it was nothing but his fear.

That night, he was introduced on television channels as the “rising star of hope” in that country. Though many told him that his picture had come out well, he thought it was not true. 

His daily routine of running on highways did continue. He considered running on highways way better than running on playgrounds. As he saw trees on both sides of the road going past him and his legs striking on the ground one after another while running, he felt all those things that he presumed obscene till then were leaving him at once and he was evolving into an immaculate self-made soul travelling to an unknown point. His run bore an element of manifestation that the sky, land, and other living organisms around him were in no way different from his existence. 

That day, due to the early sunrise and increased movement of people on suburban roads, his run had to be terminated after twenty-two miles. Sometimes, as he opened the gates, he would resume his run on the path within the compound of the old man’s house whenever he couldn’t run on highways. His run would end only when the thoughtful old man ventured out of his house after a couple of hours to stop him. He used to see the old man scribbling something on a daily report card calculating the distance he had covered. The old man would be patient enough to explain everything to a man who couldn’t even measure out the distance from his own run and would share his happiness with the runner that the latter didn’t have to run that much of a distance as he had already beaten the world record during his runs on highways. He considered it essential to teach him yogasanas taught in eastern countries. The trainings offered in the name of yoga had, of late, started gaining popularity in that country. 

The old man declared intrepidly when the reporters met him that his student had passed a full marathon and his country would regain its glory. 

When the news of him successfully completing twenty-seven miles spread on television channels and newspapers, other countries in the world turned their attention towards him. He became one of those men considered fit enough to participate in the Olympics. His personal details were widely discussed. His name was pronounced in different ways. In Soviet Russia, his name was wrongly pronounced as ‘Carbo.’. In European countries he was known as ‘Cribbs,’ and in the east he would have been known as ‘Krish.’. In the south, he might have been known as ‘Karuppan.’.

That day, his name was to be announced officially as a participant in the Olympic Games. A meeting with media people was organized in the stadium. The old man was sitting a little distance away from the crowd with a cigar in his fingers, though it was a rare sight to see him smoke. The interview went as mentioned below.

“Will you be happy if you are selected as a potential competitor in the game?”

“Running makes me happy.”

“Would you bring laurels to our country?” 

“I feel so good when I run.” 

“What is your opinion about the player who won in the previous Olympics?” 

“Everyone who runs would, nevertheless, be happy. When I think about all of them, I feel resolved.”

“Will our country take strides in sports?” 

He remained silent. The old man was sitting with his head bowed down. The question was repeated. 

“I know only running. What I get from running is the reason why I run. I run for myself. It is all due to the greatness of running. I know nothing other than this.” 

The cigar held in the old man’s fingers was now lying on the ground. As his face contorted with thick wrinkles of many ups and downs, he crushed the cigar under his feet and pushed it away and rose with a lethargic limber up of his arms. The interview was over. 

It was the time when the darkness grew thicker with a tiny moon in the sky. He went near the old man who was standing near the car outside the building. The old man was staring at the emptiness afar for some time and then opened the car’s door with a gentle shrug of his shoulders. 

He told the old man, beseechingly, having his eyes fixed on the small mountains standing afar. 

“How would you feel if I could run under this splendid moonlight? I could run very comfortably till that mountain in the morning.”

The old man stuffed himself into his car and shut its door and then said, sticking his head out of the window, “It would be fantastic. You can run now if you like. You can even run to the cliff, jump down from there, and die. Get lost” and left driving away in his car.





Thursday, 24 February 2022

Convergence (Gnanakoothu) by Ma. Aranganathan

This is an English Translation of “Gnanakooththu”, s short story written by Ma. Aranaganathan. Translated from Tamil by K. Saravanan. This is 25th English Translation in Classic Tamil Short Stories Series.


The following were the excerpts from the letter written by Siva Sankaran alias Sivam, who is presently residing in NewYork west Side Avenue, to his father Muthu Karuppan.


It is always better to telephone after half past seven. Mother should be available at that time.


I prefer walking. I feel good. If I travel by train, I need to spend one dollar. No difficulties in walking anyway.


There is a temple here. I have gone there once.


It is probable that I may get transferred to a place called Salt Lake City. I mean- all the persons who are working in our computer division will be transferred.


As such, cooking is not difficult. Everything is available here. Tender egg-plant and lady’s fingers are easily available.


I can read a lot, if I like. But not interested like earlier.


Thiru Arutpa 1 and Thirumanthiram 2 are kept under my safe custody.


I have got an opportunity to get acquainted with a lady reporter working in New York Times newspaper here. She is very well experienced and well-read including computer science. She has travelled throughout the world. She had been to Chennai also once and knows a lot about the streets of the city. She categorically says, ‘If someone lived for another hundred years, he would be reading only two books- ‘Alice in the wonder Land’ and Thirukural 3. Her name is Ms Lavula.

The proficiency level that you have got in English is more than enough to run your day to day life here. I was not also not comfortable in the beginning. Now I am accustomed with it. The people around me are also just like me. They say ‘We also know only this much of it’.


Only fruit juices in the morning- I have got accustomed with bread. The friends who are staying with me eat different varieties of food.


Need to shell out eight thousand rupees for the telephone charges.


It was a letter, addressed to Muthu Karuppan, neatly printed with a letter header “Muthu Kumarasami Pillai (I.A.S), Joint Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat”, on a smooth paper except the word ‘Retired’, written by hand.

“I came to understand through our Association that you are searching for a bride for your son. My ancestors were from the South and our family is traditionally vegetarian. My Chithappa 4, has retired from the government service. At present he is residing at our place and he knows your father well. Once he accedes to this proposal, his word will be final. We respect his words.

She is our only daughter. She has passed M.Sc. We own a house and four kottai 5 of arable land. Here, in Chennai, we own a house in Ashok Nagar. All these properties will be in her name. Since she felt that her science education shouldn’t go waste, she is working in a college.

It is quite surprising that we don’t know each other in spite of living in Chennai for the past forty years. Even though I do not know you and your family, this alliance seems to have been fixed with the help of blessings from our ancestors and the assistance from our Association. All is because of the blessings of Lord Shiva!

Looking forward to your letter…


After the school hours, Saraswathi Ammal returned to her home only after 7’O clock. Muthu Karuppan was sitting on an easy chair in the balcony. On seeing her, he said, “I thought you would come late today. You know that he was sad last time”

Saraswathi washed her face. While she was making coffee, the telephone rang.

“Please attend to the call. I will speak to him after sometime” she told.

He heard someone talking on the other side. After a while, Sivam came on the line.

“Am I speaking to Appa? Mother isn’t there today too. Is it?”

“She’s here. You have informed that you would be transferred to some other place. Any update?”

“I will come to know about it only on next Saturday. Probably I may have to go there. All, four of us, have to go”

“It is very far. Isn’t it?”

“Yes…The Company will look after everything including accommodation. I will get five hundred dollars more there”

“I hope your health is alright. Isn’t it?’

“I am fit as fiddle. Give the receiver to mother”

Sarsawathi received it.

“Dear Son! How is your health? You are taking oil bath. Aren’t you?”

Yes...everything is fine here. How is everything there? Anything important? If the house needs any repair works, we can do it immediately. I will send the money. How is father’s health? Tell him not to strain himself in the hand pump to take water from the Bore well.”

“Your father told me that you would be transferred to a new place. Wouldn’t it?”

“Yes. It may happen. I’ll inform you”

“Can I give the receiver to your father?”

“It’s already late. Let me hang up. I’ll inform everything in letter”

Sarsawathi Ammal kept the receiver down. She wondered, “How clearly it is audible as if he is speaking sitting beside me.”


Respected Shri Muthu Kumarasami Pillai,

This is Muthu Karuppan. I am indeed very glad to have your relationship. I have told my son also about it. You know well that any arrangement we make should be as per the wishes of our children. Don’t you?

You have told that you know about my father and my forefathers through your Chithappa. I also feel that I need to tell you some details about me.

My father, Siva sankaran left on pilgrimage to visit all the six abodes of Lord Murugan. He never returned home after that- till date. My mother kept waiting till her death, wearing her Thali 6 . People still say that her death was not natural.

As I couldn’t pass the school examinations, I came here and settled with a job. My elder brother- he is now sixty five years old. He is living in his wife’s house. His son is said to have be mentally retarded, but it is benign they say. My younger brother- he is forty five years old. He has just passed his S.S.L.C examination through coaching in private tutorials. He may get promoted to Lower Divisional Clerk after five years or so. The children of my younger brother are living with their mother.  

When the Freedom Movement was in its full swing, My Periyappa 7 went Vedaranyam to see his daughter and grandchildren. While buying salt 8 from a grocery shop, he was beaten by the police, imprisoned. Later, when he was on freedom fighter pension, he died. I was with my Periyamma 9 at her home. They had four or five milch cows. I was looking after them. It was a holiday during summer, and due to my carelessness one of the cows was missing. Without informing anyone, I came to Chennai.

I must tell you about my maternal uncle also. He is still living in my native place. Ever since I was seven years old, I knew that he used to steal coconuts and sell it. Now the assets of Amman Temple are under his custody. I almost forgot his face.       

When I was working in Chennai, I got married. I went to our caste Association to invite them for my marriage. The secretary of the Association told me nonchalantly, “You have to invite the government not the Association”

There was a truth behind his insinuation. The woman whom I married was from Adi Dravidar 10 Community. I didn’t invite the government for my marriage.

Presently I don’t know anyone in our Association. But it is good that our Association is helpful in many ways.


“Your reply should be sent only to him. Shouldn’t it? Then why are you sending a copy of it to our son?”

“Isn’t the reply about him? He must read it.”

“Inform him that when he comes here on Pongal 11 we need to finalise all the arrangements one and all”

“Yes…I have included this in the letter.

“One of my colleagues in the school told me that what we would do if he marries a woman at his own will”

“What will you do?”

“Haven’t you seen in the letter? He has mentioned about some newspaper reporter. What are we going to do if he developed relationship like that and brought a white lady here?”

“We can’t be that dead sure about it”

“Why can’t it be?”

“She wouldn’t be necessarily a white lady. Even black people are also living in America”

Muthu Karuppan sat on his the easy chair comfortably. The wind was breezy.  He inhaled the air deeply, closed his eyes, as if he was experiencing clean air for the first time in the city.



1.      Book of hymns written in praise of the God by Vallalaar.

2.      The Tirumantiram or Thirumantiram is a Tamil poetic work, written either in the 6th century by Tirumular Tirumantiram's literal meaning is “Sacred mantra” or "Holy incantation"

3.      The Tirukkuṟaḷ  (shortly the Kural) is a classic Tamil language text consisting of 1,330 short couplets of seven words each. The text is divided into three books with succinct teachings on virtue (aram), wealth (porul) and love (inbam) respectively. Considered one of the greatest works ever written on ethics and morals.  

4.      Younger brother of one’s father.

5.      It is an archaic unit of land measurement. One Kottai is roughly equivalent to 1.5 acres of land.

6.      Sacred thread worn/ tied around the neck of a woman during marriage. She wears it till the death of her husband.

7.      Elder brother of one’s father.

8.      During the Freedom struggle in India, Mahatma Gandhi followed a novel way of protest against imperialism. He started a Salt Satyagraha, a symbolic protest against tax imposed on salt. Vedaranyam in Tamil Nadu was one such place where this protest against Salt tax became popular.

9.      Either the elder sister of one’s mother or the wife of one’s father’s elder brother.

10. A scheduled caste Community in India.

11. A Tamil festival in the Tamil month of ‘Thai’ (In the second week of January every year)


Translated from Tamil by K. Saravanan.

Source: Ma. Aranagnathan’s Short story “Gnana Kooththu”