ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.
Showing posts with label Chapter 34: Ayesha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 34: Ayesha. Show all posts

Saturday 24 August 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 34: Ayesha


Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 34: Ayesha 

Thangaiya’s bachelor residence in Nagapattinam Straat. Afternoon. The house owner had gone to office. Pandian was sitting on a chair stretching out his legs on a table. He was holding a four days old Singaporean newspaper in hands. The buzz of street came in through the windows. A mixed sound of Javanese Malay and Sumathra Tamil came over, fell into his ears.

He could sense a chariot arriving in at the entrance and a lady getting off. The fragrance of jasmine perfume was almost oppressive. ‘Who’s that? Is that she?’

The door was knocked.

“Please come in”

With her eyes radiating compassion, Ayesha entered pushing the door. She was wearing violet batik, Green silk kemeja and yellow georgette.


Her voice got him goosebumps. He took his legs off reflexively at once, rose from the chair.

“It is ok…it’s ok…please be seated”

His heart grew restless. ‘Why?...why?’ he sat down.

She kissed him gently on his forehead, ostensibly not touching it, with her lips that closely resembled red berries as she groped her hands across his cheeks. There was no fire in it, rather it gave him a feeling of cold spring water.

In flick of a second, the fire that had engulfed his body a while ago got doused.

“My brother! My brother!”

She kissed him again on his forehead- Cold water, spring water, and snowy drops.


“Pandeen, it’s been almost two years since I got married. Now I am your sister. I guess you are happy that I got married”- she asked him as she was holding the back of his head with her left hand and adjusting his hair with her right hand.

“Yes…I am very happy. You are my sister. Who’s your husband?”

“He is a good man” she sat down on a chair near.

“Why did you come here without going back home…The war is over. Right?”

“Just to meet you”

“Pandeen, get a ship without making further delay. If you don’t have money, I’ll give you”

“I have a lot of money. Why are you so interested in getting rid of me?”

“You are not the same Pandeen you used to be. Your eyes emit fire. Your words are intimidating” – she stroked his forehead with her palm. “Don’t get involved with those freedom fighters. Hell with those men and Dutch”

“Ayesha, you sound informative! Freedom fighters …relationship with them…doesn’t it sound funny?”

“Your eyes emit fire. Yours words get me intimidated”

 “It is alright. Your words sound so poetic. I hope you keep alright”

“I don’t have any problems. I live a fulfilling life. My husband is at home. I have told him before coming here that I am going to meet you. Chariot is waiting outside”

“How did you know that I am here?”

“My husband got the information from Chetti Street. Please listen to my words. Get the ship as soon as possible. Don’t get involved with those freedom fighters”

“Thank you, Ayesha”

“May I take leave now?” She went near to him and placed a strong kiss on his forehead. “Please don’t forget what I said” she repeated again.


Slamat thingal”

“Slamat bale”

The fragrance from Ayesha grew thin as she left him and disappeared finally. The creaking sound of chariot pacing on the road was heard.


It was the time of sunset. Pandian was sitting, leaning back against the rear seat of a chariot pacing fast towards east. On both sides of the road, were found many farm houses. Beyond the curtained windows, was seen a dim, prorated light. A mild voice of radio was following from behind. The last batch of Dutch and Eurasians was returning to their home. On the right, the diversion led to Polish Way. Semi spherical, slippery towered Dovros Bungalow built in green marble was standing on a corner. Ahead of it, was there American consulate, Dermulan Restaurant, queues of jeeps, cars and a church in the opposite. Tall and well-built frames of military officers were standing on an open podium lying in front of the restaurant, under the flood of blue neon light with beer bottles in hands, sweat in forehead, and splendid Dutch language dancing in their tongues. The radio was yelling in high pitch: “This is Netherland’s Indish Radio station at Pattaviya”.The chariot went past railway track. At Hugga Straat the movement of men and vehicular traffic were thicker.

Pandian closed his eyes. ‘The Dutch who had gone away are now coming back. The Japanese who were once ruling here had gone away. They might return one day. These men might go back one day. How many empires had swayed their reign on this land? How many different races had walked upon this land with the pride of triumph? Tamils, Portuguese, British, Dutch, Japanese and again Dutch! Will this list end with them? Such an old city it is! How long more this city would stand such men? Empires appear and then disappear. Metropolis appear and disappear. How many empires! How many cities! Pharaoh’s Membis, Sumerian’s Ur, Iranian’s Susa, Pandian kings’ Korkai, The Great Chola’s Kaveripattinam, Chera Kings’ Musiri- the city on the shores of roaring sea, much famed Malaiyur Thirupathi of King Shailendra. Is it the fame that commands the enslavement of other races? Or is there any other reason for it? One can find innumerable reasons according to one’s whims and convenience. What happened to those men who attained fame by establishing empires? King Asherbanibal who built a palace for himself with the stones he made other kings to carry on their heads died of self-immolation. The great king Nebugat Nezzar became mad and walked on four legs like animals and died chomping on grass. Alexander the Great fell unconscious in one liquor revelry he arranged in Babylon while returning as king of kings and died of prolonged illness after that. Julius Caesar died after he was stabbed by his close friend. Napoleon met with his end in a small island where he was imprisoned. What is price of fame? What is the use of fame? What is the end of fame?’


The erstwhile colonel of Indonesian Republic Army, Kashim who had come to Medan city as a pepper merchant met the erstwhile clerk in Achin Company, Pandian in the market and had a long talk with him. Pandian arranged a building in Market Street and started a business under the banner “Malasia-Indonesia Corporation”. He could find a residence in Jalan Dorian.

Dutch troops kept streaming in, their number increasing. British- Indian army troops were leaving the city. Those who were waiting for ships to board hoped to return to their homes with some handsome amount they could manage earning. The rifles lying unaccounted and boxes of ammunition in the armouries were shifted to some other place that night itself. Cash flowed from one hand to another.

As Pandian suggested, the first division of North Sumathra Guerilla force was given jungle warfare training in Dumas forest area. Pandian made visits to Dumas forest whenever he found it feasible. Just beyond the city limits, was there the government established by the Forces of Freedom. He had to be extra vigilant while crossing the border. That was it.

                                              Chapter 34: “Ayesha” ended.

Chapter 35: “Dilton” will be posted soon.