ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.
Showing posts with label Chapter 32: Cryon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 32: Cryon. Show all posts

Saturday 17 August 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 32: Cryon


Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 32: Cryon 

Cryon was on its way to Belewan harbour sitting on the shores of Sumathra. The moon surrounded by stars was throwing its tender light in the sky. Pandian was standing on deck, holding its iron grills, watching the waves that danced with their surges, splashes hitting the sides of ship under the moon light. The azure skyline in green hue and the surface of sea that bore a green-yellowish tint got mixed up, rose with a gentle swell and sang a melodious, alluring song.

Pandian’s right hand stroked his forehead. “Why have these sea and sky been intimidating the human mind and at the same time offering strength from the time immemorial? Is it due to the depth of sea? Or is it due to its power of destruction? Or is it just due to its purest state of nothing? Why do humans fear? Why does he feel happy? As he possesses mind, the purest state of nothing is possible. Would that be possible for other living beings? If there is no mind, there will be no confusions. Fame-disrepute, known- unknown, feast-starvation- all these differences would become non-existent. What is the use of mind? Can’t we destroy it? What did Tiruchirapalli Arivazhagar pray to god for?’

“O! God, give me a state of purest mind which doesn’t fall into the ocean of relationships holding one after another’

‘Holding one after another! Ah…what a foolishness….utter foolishness! Leaving one and holding onto another! …’

‘O! Man, my friend! What did you lose to hold onto another? Why? For what? O! Man, my friend, I left my caste and religion and held onto Associations and political parties. I burnt down the old Puranic scriptures and now am reading newspapers. Despising mythical imaginary idols of deities, I am now worshipping the human puppets that are very much visible to my naked eyes. I loathed the saffron clad Sanyasis while flattering secretaries loitering in different attire. While denying to offer something to God, I am now paying subscriptions. I stopped attending the temple car festivals while happily lecturing on dais during political conferences. Leaving aside wearing Vibhoothi on my forehead, I am now happily wearing some unknown insignia on my shirts. My mind which had truly understood the falsehood behind the claims of going to heaven is now in search of boundless pleasure devoid of miseries.  I am a rationalist who had broken the nexus of superstition, a man of scientific temper. It is knowledge that ultimately stands by you. It is science that we need to take refuge into now.

‘O! Man, my friend, you are cheated. Cheated. What did you leave so to hold onto another? In what way this is better than the earlier one? In what ways do knowledge, belief and science fare better than superstitions and religions? It is foolishness. Just foolishness. Would swimming or not swimming under sea be anyway different? Would dissecting or not dissecting an atom make any difference? Would your ability of foretelling fortunes by way of communicating with distant planets make any difference even if you couldn’t do so? With all these the mind would get only troubled instead of attaining a life with peace within. Would the falsehood and envy disappear? Never. Would the pursuit for wealth and fame disappear? Never. O! The great learned men who have the expertise in magic, physics, alchemy and engineering! You tell us now would the ascending lines in North and descending lines in south make any difference in the existence of crescent moon in the sky?’

He slid his hand into his pant pocket and took out a cigarette packet. His right hand fingers picked a cigarette and placed it between his lips. His left hand brought a match box. Right fingers pushed the drawer in, took out a match stick, rubbed it on side and lit the cigarette and threw it away half burnt into sea. His mouth puffed in and his right hand raising up and gently pulled the cigarette. Bhoooooo….the smoke that went in through his throat, thus made the interiors warm was now coming out in thin lines and circles. Again bhooooooo… ‘Life without mind- would this act propounded by the saint Thayumanavar possible? If possible, why do we need this mind? Why then all these sensory things?’

Perhaps it is quite likely that the purpose of our knowledge is to attain a life void of mind by keeping all these distractions alive. An incomprehensible empty confusion…illogical. Humans need to act with clear mind according to the prevailing realities of life. The state of doing nothing is death. The state without mind is destruction. Why should one sit on meditation in a cave on hill top in dense forests to attain such a mindless state? Why should one jump into fire to attain it? Why should one control wind to attain it? Useless efforts…utterly useless tasks. Just a handful of poisonous paste made of oleander roots would be sufficient to see immediate results. Wouldn’t it?

He looked back with cigarette still emitting smoke though his lips. Men were sleeping on bed spreads in rows like docile animals. ‘While thoughts rule, it is still quite possible to have a stomach fill feast and good sleep’.  

He placed his hands on the iron grills again, and looked afar bending his head a little down. The silvery stars spread across surrounding the golden flower were twinkling in the greenish blue sky. The sea chuckled like a woman wearing greenish yellow sari. The gentle breeze stroked the bodies. ‘Breeze….Southerly wind…Chinna Mangalam. When was that town born? Since the Sangam period? Is Chinna Mangalam aware of the combined military campaign of three major kings of Tamil land against Pari, a local chieftain of Parambu hills? Not sure of it. But the army of Nawabs are aware of it.’

“The Musalman is beating the drums in Mettupatti

He is chasing us and catching us, the horse man!

We are women. What could we do?

Our men have run away…eunuchs!

The Musalman has come….aiyo

The Musalman is here….aiyo

The Musalman is beating the drums in Mettupatti.

He throws us into his cart, the horseman!

We are women. What else can we do?

Our men are eunuchs and abandoned us? “

Taking advantage of the conflicts among local chieftains, the armies of British and Maruthu Pandiayars were camping in Chinna Manglam one after another. It was Chinna Mangalam where the army of Colonel Spray, which conquered the Pran Hill fort once held by Maruthu Padiyars, was camping on the day before their last war. Before that Maruthu Pandiayar had stopped and chased away the army commanded by the General Innes in Chinna Mangalam. The pillar to which Oomaiyan (Brother of Kattapomman), who was hiding in Pran Hills, was tied by Muthuvairavan Servai, the servant of Pudukkottai king Thondaiman, is still standing in Chinna Mangalam Perumal Temple. The people of this town had stood united irrespective of their caste and creed against the oppressive tax collectors Natham Linga Nayakkan and Sivagangai Udaiyar Devan who employed all their nasty tricks in the name of tax collection against them.  Ettappan’s secret agents and Thondaiman’s troops who came there to capture Oomaiyan had had stolen the agriculture produces, cattle and money from the local people. Komandan Sayabu, born as Marutha Nayagam, who successfully kept the robbers claiming themselves local chieftains under control with his frequent ferocious campaigns against them, and later took an avatar as Yusuf Khan alias ‘Khansa’ had led his army through the lanes of this town.’

It was very recent Chinna Mangalam had stepped into the world of modernity. He could vaguely remember Daniel Master brought from Suvisheshapuram teaching English to the children traders in the market street, sitting on a rope cot in front of Nallan pond. It would be dreadful to see him walk with his reddish dove eyes, and Khaki shirt with elongated collars. There were umpteen women who fell in love with him seeing his ‘Police’ shirt with big sized buttons and half trimmed moustache.

The fathers of the village would quiz the children from Nadar Street who were learning English from him with their stupid questions.

“Dei…how do you call my name in English?”


“Keluthi meen?” (Cat fish)


“What stupid English are you learning? Engiileees! You rotten eggs! Yonder, comes the son of Valavanthaan. He is a studious guy. Dei…Mariyappa….come here. How do you call your name in English?”


“Keluthi meen?”

“Ai toppa

After throwing away answers in lightning speed, Mariayppan was standing, intently staring at them, shivering with fear as to see what would unfold at his answers.

“He is born to a tiger. Isn’t he? Ah…ah….ah…” Mariayappan’s father Neer Kathalinga Nadar gave out a loud appreciative laughter at his son’s performance in English. Other fathers watching it swung their palms across their sons’ back as much as they could exercise their strength.

“You, fool, born to a fool! Why do you have to learn English? You better herd the cattle. See Mariyappan,,,he is also a boy like you. You only know how to catch the golden beetles in Avarangadu. Don’t you? Or are you going to swing in the banyan tree?”

“Children of dupes. See how Panjangam Aiyar’s son reads English! The same teacher teaches him too. Doesn’t he?”

“One has to be seriously interested in studies” Neer kathalinga Nadar laughed again. “How could they learn English if they spend their time playing and swimming with buffaloes in Kanakkan pond?”

Some traders in the market sitting on the carts pulled by mules, picked up whatever came on to their hands, be it rope or sticks, and thrashed their boys mercilessly.

“Aiyaiyo….don’t tharash me….I will never go out to catch Golden beetles anymore! Aiyaiyo….I will do better in studies hereafter….Aiyo….Amma….I am dead….I am dead…”

Their mothers who were battling with smoke from ovens, came running to them, received a couple of thrashes on their bodies, and somehow managed pulling their wards out of their fathers’ merciless hands.


A big white fish jumped out of water amidst the dance of waves. ‘Would the fishes sleep?’ He glanced at his left hand wrist. It showed 11.17. ‘Time to go to bed. While thoughts rule, it is still quite possible to have a stomach fill feast and good sleep. O! The handsome man who lured the queen! While thoughts rule, it is still quite possible to have a stomach fill feast and good sleep’. 

***Chapter 32 Cryon ended*** 

Chapter 33: “Medan” will be posted soon.