ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.
Showing posts with label Chapter 31: Penang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 31: Penang. Show all posts

Monday 5 August 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 31: Penang


Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 31: Penang 

Pandian alighted from the Bangkok Express that halted at Perai railway station. The passengers rushed to catch a steamer leaving for Penang.


The voice came from the left side, Pandian turned his head. Manikkam strode through the crowd, came running to him. He was wearing a white shirt and grey colour pant and a dark green fez hat on head. A cigarette was emitting thin lines of smoke on the corner of his mouth. Following him, came Abdul Kader in lungi and a cap on head and Chellaiah in Veshti and vibhooti on forehead.

Pandian looked at them yearningly, almost nostalgically. ‘What a change! What a change! In a very short span of time, we have all turned to what we had been earlier, and are still changing. The clerks wear pants, the Muslims from Venkusa shops wear fez cap on head, and pawn shop attendants are with veshti on waist’  

“Manikkam,, Kader, Chellaiah”

Welcome…Welcome…let’s be graced with your presence”

Manikkam was theatrical in his entreaties while his left hand touched him with a genuine love. Chellaiah and Kader grasped his hands lovingly.

“Let’s have a coffee” Abdul Kader said.

“It gets late. We can leave by this boat itself. Can’t we?”

“You can leave by the boat leaving for Kola Perai. We have car too.” Manikkam moved aside, and told “A new has been opened there. Go and try Meekoreng”

“O.K. We may go there”

They boarded the car parked outside the railway station. Manikkm drove the car.

“What is Resan doing? How is he? How about Masanam and Muthaiah?”

“He has become an important person in Bangkok with filthy money thrown away like water. He says Bangkok will be his city forever. Masanam and Muthaiah also follow his suit. I don’t think they would ever leave that city”

The car stopped in front of Sungking restaurant. They entered and occupied a chair in south east corner and sat around it.

“Is Navannaa around here?”

“Wouldn’t he have come here had he been here? He left for his home by the first ship. Auditor is in Singapore. Anbananda Adigal is in Eppo. I think Navanna would visit Pranmalai first. Taking advantage of your absence here, he used to be our biggest nuisance with his repeated admiration for Kalyani. Is she such fine quality material or what?”

“Very ordinary stuff. But this man has found something in her and remain intoxicated”

The bartender came to them and politely asked their preferences. Manikkam gave him the order.

“Challaiah, where is Avanna? Has he gone to Medan? Or is he around here?”

“Even before the ship service resumed, he left by lenj”

 “Why are you going to Sumathra now? Manikkam asked. “If you want to go back home, you can get into the ship from here”

“I have to meet some friends there. It is Medan city where I first joined for my duty”

Plates with food stuff and porcelain coffee cups reached their table. They began having meals as they talked.

“I don’t like you going to Sumathra at this time. Everywhere it is chaotic. The situation may grow worse in coming days”

“I have already decided to pay a visit there”

“O.K. It is your wish” Manikkam said as his left hand fingers running through his hair. His turned his half-closed eyes to Chellaiah and asked, “Dei….What are you doing? Eating Meekoreng or just catching chicken?”

“Stupid stuff- full of fat. They cooked some nonsense”

“Oh! Full of fats! Do you think this is a ‘Coffee and meals restaurant’ run by some Brahmins? It is Sungking restaurant”

“As a special case, we can ask them to make him a meekoreng made of pulse and brinjal” Abdul Kader slapped Chellaiah’s back with his left hand as he stood up wriggling his body. “Don’t betray your tummy, pal. Eat well” he said.

“Deiii….you stout ass! It seems the nutrition from meekoreng has got into your arms. “The Chinese has added some meat too. Do you know that?”

“Let him add whatever he wants. All are meat anyway”

They got into the car and left for jetty.

“I hope there is no trouble in Sundaram matter”

“How’d we be responsible if he died of heart attack? Manikkam laughed. “Inspector Kuppusamy and Berkle screwed him for three days. But the way he got them disappointed with his skills even left the inspector aghast.

“I thought he is just an amateur play boy”

“I too thought so. The inspector is aware that there is one more unidentifiable person involved along with Natarajan in causing Sundaran get heart attack.”   

“”How did he know Natarajan?”

“I don’t know. The inspector surmises that the ‘other guy’ is me. He keeps nagging me to re-enact the scene of heart attack in the pretext of gaining professional knowledge”

Both laughed.

“Where is Natarajan now?”

“He is in Kuala Lumpur. We had a damn tough time to get him out of this place. Every day he would pick fights one or another”

“Rakbirlal matter?”

“It is over with Jarang camp. Englishmen are smarter that way” He slowed down the car and stopped it. “They are more interested only in current accounts. If they’d wasted their time in digging out some useless old stuff, they would have left with no time to manage such a big empire.”

Pandian reached Penang on Saturday noon hours and stayed there for whole of Sunday and till Monday evening. With the usual fervor of Tamils who returned to their mother land, Pandian paid visits to Thanneer Malai, New Beach, and Snake Temple along with his friends.

 On Monday, he reached the harbour with the entourage of his friends. Cryon! He didn’t notice the name of the ship. It was the same ship that carried him to Sumathra when he went there for first time. After undertaking numerous journeys in various oceans during war, it had now returned, ostensibly to take him back to Sumathra.

The time of departure neared. He said everyone good bye and boarded the ship. The siren of the ship went off loudly. The ship Cryon left for Belawan harbour at fifteen past five.

Men, cars, buildings and ships became dimmer and finally disappeared from view.

Penang city and Malaya went behind.

The crimson rays of the Sun in the west grew duller, gradually.


                                         ***Chapter 31: Penang ended***

Chapter 32: “Cryon” will be posted shortly.