ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.
Showing posts with label Chapter 30: Bangkok. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 30: Bangkok. Show all posts

Saturday 3 August 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 30: Bangkok

 Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 30: Bangkok


Bangkok city was in its usual festivity. It was, perhaps, the only city which hadn’t lost its sheen due to war. No one with worn-out clothes and frail, starved bodies was seen anywhere in the city. Money was being spent like water. One could buy and sell any currency in the black market, be it Swiss Franc, or Swedish Krona, or American dollars. You need anything else other than these? Grenades, automatic tanks, Jeeps, motor boats? If you have money- money in hard cash- the cash that creaks at every flip, you can buy anything in no time. It just simply meant for every piece of ready cash, you will literally get everything in hand. No more questions of how and what. Even if you desire to have rare, hidden jewels and cultural artifacts looted from many countries during war, you can bet on us. Or do you want criminals and other articles to be deported to the shops on the banks of Mom River? Yes, we do have expertise in that too.               

Menam River is the main ‘road’ of the city diverted from it are big bazar, numerous canals, and streets. Shops are floating in boats, people come floating in boats, make their purchases from the floating shops and return floating. The faces bearing no signs of woes of life chatter loudly without hiding anything in their hearts.

Cars, jeeps, trams and rickshaws were moving with their myriad sounds of horns and bells across roads quaking the town.

British troops, American sailors, Vietnamese communists, Indonesian revolutionaries and men of Mao Zedong were roaming here and there. Everyone had huge number of currency stacks under their possession and weapons hidden in their cloths to meet any eventuality in a matter of seconds. The Indonesians were busy sending their country grenades and rifles procured with the money earned by selling rubber, coffee, tea and pepper- all which they could manage smuggle despite the tight vigil of Dutch navy.  The bony Vietnamese men who wouldn’t stand a strong slap were busy with big sized commodities. Those who had been ignorant of mortars, bazooka, jeep and those who hadn’t been unaware of the movements of Mao’s men were just roaming on the streets incognito with fear filled in their heart.

Masanam and Muthaiah who escaped from Burma had taken refuge in K.K Resan’s shop upstairs. Pandian had joined them. Resan suggested that they could open a separate shop for Pandian, Masanam and Muthaih. They thus started “Oriental Trading Company” as he suggested.

Their shop started functioning in a building nestled along the bank of river. They sold whatever that had fallen into their hands- British guns, American dollars, and Indonesian tea were some hot picks. Sometimes their small business could sell out occasional big catch of materials such as tanks, Jeeps, and motor boats. They could amass huge amount of money and spend it at their whims. One could find those four lieutenants of Indian National Army in the crowds that used to visit the fun houses as soon as the sun sets, with all their make up on.

It was Sunday.

They set off a trip to go out of the city. Greenery all around…coconut groves and paddy fields. Women sitting in front of their huts stretching out their legs, chewing betal leaves and chattering guilelessly. Small boys were playing Raka…Raka game with ball shaped cane fruits.

The entire city shone like a ball of lights. Crowds of people gathered everywhere. Cars were waiting in front every restaurant carrying the fervor of celebration. When they reached their final destination, Moon Ling hotel at about half past seven in the evening, their heads whirled with the heaviness of inebriation but with an unusual strength in body and a regal gait in their walk.

The jeeps and cars of British- American officers, Siamese nobles and Chinese businessmen were parked in rows in the front. The trees were festooned with illuminating, glaring, colourful lights. The Jazz music wafting through the air from inside made one’s body titillate. The cars were still streaming in and parked in rows. White men and local men got off those cars with women who looked golden statues and stepped into the building with mouthful of lies and fake smiles.

All those four Tamil men sat on the chairs lying in south. White men in threes and fours were sitting on chairs in front of them and women among them added a sheen of lightening with their presence. Beyond them near the door were found a Siamese- Chinese couple. Vietnamese were sitting in front of local men. Next to them, were sitting two Indonesians.

A woman in golden colour wearing half skirt tied in black lace and silky glass embedded brazier was singing, entertaining them with her sensuous leaping moves:

“Yai yai yai yaaa

Yaa yaiyaaa

Yayi…yayiiiiiiyayi yayiiii yayi

Yaiyaaa yaaa yayiiii” 

The room was filled with the layers of smoke visible through the dim mixture of lights in different colours. The smell of French perfumes was so heavy as if sticking to one’s face. Ogling at the danseuse absorbedly, Muthaiah pulled out a song.

“O virtuous lady!

My lady! My gem!

If you are a chaste woman

Your skirt sliding out…”


“Shut up. Don’t you see women are there?”

“What? What did you say? Masanam, what did you say? O! Women…Women”

The attender who approached them as stealthily as a cat walking on a cloth slipper bent down a little and asked them their order covering his mouth with his right hand. Resan listed their requirements. Drinks listed first.

The danseuse in black attire completed her performance. A mild Siamese melodious music note emerged from the dais to fill in the interval before the start of next programme. 

Resan’s frantic eyes were fixed repeatedly on a British captain who was sharing drinks with a Siamaese lady sitting in front of him. A woman who was sitting very closely to a man sleeping on chair at the entrance, was staring at Pandian without batting her eyes. Her fronts were shaking and her left hand fondled her stomach. Pandian turned his head and threw his eyes around.

“Hei…look there” Masanamm nudged Muthiah’s ribs. “Look at that lady fondling her stomach…Pandian plans to seduce her”

“Ah…is it? Then Pandian is gone forever. We have to then dispose him off in unaccounted expenditure. What did all our ancient sages preach us? Don’t look at women…and for god sake do not even think of a woman who fondles her stomach. But see…what is Pandian doing? He is ogling at the stomach fondling woman. So, his future is sure shot for spoil. He is gone

Masanam, now glanced at the woman caressing her stomach, intently.

“Masanam, hei…you useless bloke from Therikkadu1!”


“Why were God Indra and Chandran condemned?”

“Because of women”

“Why did the King Ravanan and Kovalan die?”

“Because of women?

“So, my dear Masanam, take my advice very seriously. Don’t ever look at women; it is vile to look at women; listening to the words of women is despicable; having relationship with women is dangerous. Do you know whose golden words are they?”

“Saint Muthaih”

“Shut up man! It is Annai Vayitriya Andama Munivar. Haven’t you read his epic work ‘Idakini pei en illa kizhaththi’ (Idakini, the demon, is my wife). You must read it. There is one more reason why one shouldn’t have relationship with women. It is …”

Before his words spilled out of his mouth, Resan’s booming voice in English suddenly emerged and attracted everyone’s attention in that hall.

“Ah…The Prince Shree Puvongshree, the king of medicine…here is the Field Marshal Maharaja Shri Shri Vinayanando Pandya, a valiant Tamil General who is gifted with the acumen of supreme commander of army, navy and air force, Mon Stain and indomitable spirit of Rokochovsky and equanimity of Mont Gomery. He is the direct descendant of the Pandian kings who once ruled the three worlds and seven seas”

“Ah…ah…ah….Maharaja Pandya!” the prince grasped the Tamil Nadu’s Supreme commander’s hands and gave out a naughty smile.

“Here is General Shree Masana Abhayvangse, the general of famed first army of Tamils, a skillful shooter who can bring down a bird flying above while running. Such a courageous man he is that it is he who had transported a huge number of Tamil goats to the slaughter houses in Kohima. Here sitting our General Muthaihthriji Gurlalmia. He is the legendary commander of Tamil commando forces. He is the one who had defeated Lord Mount Batten in a running race. Most of the gold mines and mint houses in India belong to his family”          

Both acknowledged his pompous introduction with a stiff chest-up in military style.

“I am extremely happy…very happy…I seek your pardon…I have an urgent work”- the prince scratched his head. The prince must be aged about above thirty five but below seventy five.

“Revered Prince, let us sit a while for a drink” Resan told as he bent a little, keeping his left hand folded on his back. “The Anglo- American generals who rule the herds of blacks, yellows, and browns are sitting in this noble court. Let us make them understand the happiness of our meeting. Please come…please”

“Sorry…can’t we make it some other time?” The ageless silhouette of the prince swiftly paced toward the door and disappeared.

Resan, standing, poured in the drinks into glasses. Others sat down.

“Gentlemen” his English oration resumed. “Now we shall pray to God almighty for the supreme health of our honorable King George VI- the officiating monarch of India, the savior of black people- who sways his reign all over the Great Britain, Northern Ireland, dominion countries and colonies beyond seas. We, who have taken our births as slaves of the king, now enjoy this drink in the name of our king”

“Don’t yell out man!” Pandian admonished him in his mother tongue. “Speak in Tamil”

“Taamil….do you mean Taaamil?” Resan’s voice rose like thunder as his right hand picked up the tumbler. “Down with Taaamil. Hell with Tamilians. Hail English…Hail Englishmen”

He kept the tumbler down on the table with a thud after emptying it. The glass shook.

The ambience of the hall grew tense followed by a deep silence. The shopkeeper was standing at the entrance kneading his palm with uneasiness. Masanam and Muthaih glanced at Resan impishly and resumed drinking. The Siamese nobles and Chinese traders who had come there along with their women were grossly confused at the developments. The Vietnamese turned to where Resan was standing, and talked among themselves in hushed tones.

The music was over.

“It gets late. Let’s make a move” Pandian rose, circled around Resan’s waist with his left hand and threw his indifferent glances all around the hall. ‘Anything can happen…everyone is drunk and holding weapons in hands’

“You black fellow! A slave of superstitions! You the incompetent Tamil who doesn’t know how to respect the prophets! Sit down”

Pandian sat down. His heart wailed helpless. ‘This fat bugger is trying to pick fights. We are just four…but these men are many’

“You Brown men! Yellow men! and Blacks! “Resan’s voice went on louder. “Have you forgotten the curse by the Lord in heaven that all of you will remain doomed as slaves until you change the colour of your skin into white? So, jump into fire immediately and get your skin white. Or else…”

“Dear prophet, we are highly obliged” Pandian said, his voice overflew with devotion. “It has got already late. We can leave for offering our prayers to god almighty before His servants close the temple doors. Please come with me…”

“You blackie! Get away from me. First listen to the words of prophet”

The locals who had come there with women vacated the hall immediately with their companions. The prostitutes who accompanied white men, and other high class whores were staring at Resan, not batting their eyes, intuitively expecting some untoward incident that was likely to unfold there and with a proclivity to relish a fight scene over there.

The prophet’s oration tore open the silence of the hall once again, and grew louder.

“I, Kathiresan, son of the direct descendant of Adam from Aden garden               Prophet Karmegam, the chief of potter clan from Kalavazhi Nadu, have come from the Bangokiya, a city close to God’s heart here and hereby pronounce the words of wisdom. O! Earth! Do Hear me. O! Sky! Give me your ears. O! Wind! Listen to me. The God almighty, the savior of everything, had appeared in my dream as a ball of flames and told me, “Kathir…Kathir…why are you here in this desert leaving your core profession of pottery?” I replied, “O! My God! Let your undying mercy live forever on this planet. I am a sinner. Pardon me” and God said that he would surely forgive me. Further He asked me why I toiled there and sought an immediate reply. I asked him, “O! My savior! My people toil here like worms. Won’t they be redeemed of it?” He replied that our men did sins and are facing troubles in their life and nothing could be done about it. Next moment, the ball of flame disappeared and I stood alone”

“Hahahahaa….” A young American Naval captain having his drinks sitting in the north eastern corner of the hall laughed out aloud at Resan’s prophesies and mocked him yelling out “You are an unadulterated prophet of the Bible. Prophet of Jews…Prophet of deserts”.

“You American ignoramus! Aren’t you the one who had humbled the sons of Lord Surya by breaking the atoms and burning it into flames and proved the ancient wisdom of our spiritual masters false? Shut your mouth up. Or else you will face the wrath of prophet and cursed into misery of no return”

“Respected prophet, I have sinned. Please pardon me”

“You are forgiven. Now sit down”

The American had a tough time to control his laughter, and sat down. The English oration of the prophet resumed.

“I, Kathiresan, who has attained the enlightenment of knowing three dimensions of time with the blessings of god almighty, further pronounce my prophesies: “Hei…belittled Tamil land! How pity are you? Thakkolam…you too pitiful. Kadaram, Kombojam, Sambave, Savagam. Malaiyagam, Mavirlingam- you all are pitiful. Aren’t you? You, the deaf despite having ears! In spite of the prophets admonishing you all for long change your skin colour into white, why do you still remain careless? If you have white skin, you can well assume rights to destroy nations and cities. No one would question you. You can even kill women and children en-mass. No more questions will be asked…”

“Shut up” A British captain sitting with a Siamese woman shrieked under inebriation.

The heads turned to the direction of the voice. Resan bent a little, in a slow motion, picked the bottle from the table and roared as he poured it out into a tumbler.

“Who’s that philistine obstructing the words of blessing of the prophet? Who’s that? Who? Is it Raffles?*

“No…No…No…It is Mont Gomery”

A tall, stout man rose from his chair as his body tottered. His face was red due to excessive drinking. The woman sitting beside him was pulling him her side, trying to make him sit, but in vain.

The shop keeper came running from the door. Masanam gestured to him with his hand, intimidating, to go back to the entrance. The shop keeper returned helplessly kneading his palms.

Pandian thought of asking Resan to move on left. But the prophet, to his disappointment, moved a step on right.

“Who’s that? Mont Gomery? The general of much famed eighth unit of the British army.” He raised his right hand and pointed at him with his forefinger. “So…he is that brave heart who invaded Romalin Africa Core with fearless heart despite having an army three times powerful than his enemy…El ala min brave heart Field Marshal Bernard Mont Gomeriiiiiiii”

“Shut up”

“Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Mont Gomeriiiiiiiiiii”

The field Marshal paced towards him. The prophet stood with his dreamy eyes and disconcerted body.

Before the Marshal’s hand reached its target, it got tangled with the prophet’s left hand that rose in a lightning speed to obstruct the blow and at the same time prophet’s right hand showered punches in bulk on Marshal’s nape of neck, followed by his left punch, then right, then left…

Field Marshal fell onto the ground on his face.

Some men in the opposite row pulled out their pistols and rose from their seats.

“Let us not play with the pistols, please…”Pandian spoke calmly with his raised right hand holding a pistol. The brand new automatic Browning pistols they had procured that morning were shining in Masanam’s both hands and Muthaih’s hand. A dead silence ensued amidst those Vietnamese who were till then drinking with much of noise. The pistols were aimed at the opposite rows. Two Indonesians rose from their seats holding a pistol in left hand and Greek knife in the right hand.

The prophet drank a glass of whisky, and threw his scrutinizing eyes from one end of the hall to another end. Placing the glass on table, Resan resumed his lecture of mockery.   

“Where has the British sense of humour, a much touted one everywhere, gone? Where has your professional probity gone? Do they really belong to white men? If you are defeated in an unarmed combat, you will pick up guns, and if you are defeated in gun fight, then you will pick up Atom bomb. Is this cricket?”

Hands that were holding the pistols were still aimed at their targets. One second, one round…Many were just watching the show as if their lives were confined in the discharge of one round in one second. It was just enough for a round to unleash a deadly commotion.

“It is utter stupidity. Utterly stupid…” A British Major from the back row came forward with a heavy stump on the floor.

“We all have come here to forget our worries. Not to die in stupid shoot out. Keep your weapon in holders”

But the weapons weren’t withdrawn, still pointing at its targets.

“It isn’t a battle field. It is a fun house. Keep them in your holders” – his voice resonated as a resolute order, a characteristic confidence he had gained over a period of experience in facing high pressure situations in life.

The weapons disappeared.

“Revered Prophet”, the Major went near and told, “It is not Negev desert. It is Moon Ling restaurant in Bangkok city. Please have some mercy on us and have a seat to get yourself relieved of pain due to standing for long”

“You, an old Major, let you be prospered. Considering the immediacy of world peace and cordial relationship between the East and West, let me withdraw myself as of now”

The prophet sat down.

The Major, standing closely looking at Resan, couldn’t control his laughter, laughed out loudly. Following this, the hall was filled with the sounds of laughter.

The captain lying on the floor somehow managed to get up, and blinked vacuously. Another Captain went near to him, led him out with his comforting hands circled around his back.



Days passed.

Pandian announced that he had planned to go home after visiting Sumathra. His friends tried their best to dissuade him but couldn’t succeed in changing his decision.                             

                                      ***Chapter 30 “Bangkok” Ended***

Part 3 Flower, Chapter 31: Penang will be published shortly.  


1.     A semi desert region in Tirunelveli district)

2.     Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of Singapore in 1819. He is known as Robert Clive of South East Asia”