ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.
Showing posts with label Chapter 28: Atom Bomb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 28: Atom Bomb. Show all posts

Saturday 13 July 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 28: Atom Bomb

 Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 28: Atom Bomb 

Pandian returned to Singapore after attending to the works related to Security Services. The situation on war front was growing grim. Joined by the armies led by Marshal Ivan Konev in the south, and Marshal  Constantine Rokossovsky in the north, the army led by George Jhukav made its entry into Germany, spread its presence across everywhere and reached the banks of Oder river.

Strands of three colours- Green, Yellow and Red- were shot in different directions into the sky above the Jhukav’s headquarters located in a bunker on the edge of Oder River- A signal to announce that the war on Berlin City had just begun.  Columns of tanks, mortars, war planes were literally decimating the German forces and its capital. ‘The street fighters’ of Stalingrad terror Suikko entered nook and corner and reached the centre of the city. Adolf Hitler and his long time concubine and one day wife, Eva Brown committed suicide. The city of Berlin fell on the feet of General Suikko.

The American Air Force destroying the Japanese cities with surgical precision dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima city. Following this, Russia also declared war on Japan. One more atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, another Japanese city. Japan surrendered before  General McArthur.

A call from Kalik Usman came. Pandian reached Gadhe building and went upstairs. The owners of this building would return shortly. After that, tri-colour flags, majestic portrait of Netaji, the sounds of Indian National army soldiers’ foot-steps and code word communication would be completely absent.  

“Ah…Pandian…” colonel rose from his seat and held Pandian’s hands with his. “My work is over. I just have to board the ship. That is it”

The colonel gestured to Pandian a chair lying in north to his table and sat on his chair. Pandian sat on the chair. The colonel held out a cigarette box to him, and they both puffed at. The electric fan in the ceiling was running with creaking noise.

“Netaji has just passed an order to appreciate your service. It has come to effect now”

He rose from his chair, opened a vault, took out a big green cover sealed with brown wax, placed it on the table and sat down.


“Yes. Old dollar notes. They will be legal tender henceforth. I have arranged sufficient old cash for Sub Officer Natarjan and Havildar Karuppaiya through my known source.”

“Thank you so much, colonel Sahab. Had it been under the control of our ‘Napoleon’, he would have hushed up this matter”

“My dear young man, being honest or fraudulent is dependent on the pressure of one’s needs. It is precisely because it, our old sages preached to reduce your needs. Those who accumulate unnecessary things will have to sell what is most important- Honesty, probity, and dignity- Many will be able to get rid of unnecessary problems in life if they cut down their requirements.”

Yathanin yathanin neenkiyaan nothal athanin athanin ilan” – ‘A man will never suffer from something which he consciously renounced’- he recited an English translation.

“Ah…it is Tirukural. I have read it. Tiruvaalluvaar is a man who studied the ups and downs of life well. I am familiar with it only through its translation. I would like to learn Taamil…and then Tirukkuraal. That said, I have another important matter to discuss.”

The colonel opened the drawer, pulled out some stacks of Japanese currency notes and handed it over to him. Pandian received it.

“Till Mountbatten takes charge, it will remain a money of some value. After that, it will become some pieces of worthless paper. Keep it in your custody and spend it as much as you can at your will”

“Worth of something depends on the strength of who is behind it. If there is more strength, a paper becomes a currency. If the strength gets weakened, a currency becomes a paper. As long as we swayed power, we had been powerful. Sooner our times gets bad, we turn into stones and copper.”

“What’s that verse?”

“They are the lines from a Tamil verse. A Tamil poet says even the destiny of gods is decided by their good and bad times.”

“True…even the gods we have created are being defined by the rules we framed for ourselves….That said, the British forces would reach here in the beginning of next month. It is very certain that I’ll be captured and tried”

“Isn’t it possible to avert your arrest?”

“Why should I? All my close relatives back home are well placed in top positions. I will be in jail for some time. Only for name sake. You know very well what question the god of justice would ask the weaker souls who are charged with crime”

“Yes. I know. Can you prove that you are not guilty that could convince me beyond doubt”

“What if the charged men are stronger?”

  “Are you weaker or stronger?”

“I am the son of Basinpur Navab. My brother is a secretary in the central government. My maternal uncle is a judge in the High Court”

“Ah…then your freedom is assured”

Both of them laughed aloud, shaking the walls of the room.

“I get late” the son of Basinpur Navab rose from his chair. “I have a work of burning some garbage still pending. All are some secret letters I obtained. They will be burnt in fire soon. O! fire…come to me...” he stretched out his hands wide and uttered with a theatrical ease. “Come to burn the falsehood and meanness”

“O.K. Let me take leave before the god of fire is invoked” Pandian rose from his chair, packed the green cover and the Japanese currency notes in an old newspaper lying on the table and said, “Colonel sir, thank you so much. I would never forget your high quality humour and extensive knowledge on world affairs”

“My dear man, I will also never forget you”

“Let me take leave, colonel sir”

They shook their hands.

“Dear boy, my heartiest blessings”


The air craft in which Netaji was travelling crashed at Taihoku air field lying in eastern side of Saigon airport and burnt down completely. The fate of that brave, dauntless son of India was sealed with that crash as he was burnt in fire and died.

From the first date of September, the British forces reached the shores of Penang and extended its presence on other side of the island. That time, Pandian was staying with his friends in Alor Star city.

The Tamil soldiers who were evacuated from the army camps in Northern Malay regions had reached Penang. Occasional skirmishes between the British soldiers and erstwhile Indian National Army men were reported here and there in Penang.

A news brought by Palanivel from Penang made Pandian burn with rage. He was informed that one of his Havildars, Sundaram from his unit had been betraying his friends by receiving bribes.

Pandian decided to leave for Penang on the very next day. 

                         ***Chapter 28 “Atom Bomb” ended*** 

Chapter 29: “Sundaram” will be posted shortly.