ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.
Showing posts with label Chapter 27: Yamasaki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chapter 27: Yamasaki. Show all posts

Saturday 6 July 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 27: Yamasaki

Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 27: Yamasaki


The Japanese army major Sadavo Yamasaki’s green Morris car, a duror with descending hood entered Belawan road from Kesawan. Thana Labang was on its east. The flower plants decked with lights in different colours were waving their branches in wind. Sirissa trees were standing at the edges of greenish grass beds, and flowers from crimson white Kapok trees were shedding and flying in air. It was a road where tamarind trees were found standing in rows. To the west of walking platform, were found mammoth buildings- Peppayam, Hundal Company, Javanue Bank, Bin-Jay Way and the diversion towards Kotharaja. His car took a turn on left and picked up speed.

Yamasaki lit cigarettes one after another, in sequence without gap, puffed at it and kept throwing away the buds, tugging at them from the clench of his teeth well before the quarter of its size was burnt. His eyes were fixed on the road, and his mind was fully occupied with Japan. ‘Ojima and Okinawa are fortified interior military bases. Will our holy land of Yamato city become the birth place of United States’ Statue of Liberty? No…never. It can’t be. It shouldn’t be. They can decimate, burn the cities of Tokyo, Kobe, and Osaka. They can easily massacre those ‘white clad eunuchs’1. But it is not that easy to fight and kill those fifty lakh soldiers of Tenno Heikka. We, fifty lakh soldiers are ready to sacrifice our lives for our mother land’.

His mouth puffed at cigarettes, flipping it between lips…..’ssssssss’. ‘Navy and air force have betrayed us and got perished too. These Admirals and commodores are just children of merchant class.1 They can never be brave. Can they? They don’t know anything about war tactics. The navy had its demise when the Admiral Yamamoto died. The legends of Admiral Siyuchi Nakumo’s striking forces, and Commander Mitchuvo Puchida’s sea Hawks have just become memories now. Just old memories. Burma and Philippines are almost gone out of hands. Petrol supply from these countries have stopped. If solution to this issues is not found at the earliest….It must be a rumor that the British forces are going to land in Sumathra. Just a rumour anyway. Where will they land from? Long range air strikes from military bases may get intense soon.’  

His eyes were cruising on both sides of the road. Be it grass beds around, or Buddha or trees or wild creepers, all looked mesmerizingly beautiful under crimson light of afternoon. His left hand stroked the nape of his neck while his mouth still emitting smoke. ‘sssssss’. ‘If the general gets this letter, he will be extremely happy’

Three persons came running to him pointing to the forest area lying in the north.  “Indo- Thamiro- Coorie…kairi3-shirt Thamiro” the corporal driver shrieked at seeing them. The major asked him to slow down the speed of the vehicle, in a lowered voice.

The car reduced its speed and rolled along slowly. The Tamil men approached the Major near. “Stop the car” the Major bellowed. The car stopped.

Pandian approached Major Yamasaki, went closer to him from left. Natarajan and Karuppaiya were on the other side. All three shouted at high pitch, as their eyes and bodies emitting unusual fear, “Aircrafts, Parachute soldiers, army equipment…”

Yamasaki’s sharp eyes first glanced Pandian penetratingly and then assessed other two as well. His left hand took out the cigarette from his mouth and flipped it away.


“Sana, masta”

They pointed to the north-eastern side.

“Sho desh yo” The Major mumbled throwing his eyes at that direction, tuning suddenly to Pandian and gestured to him with his head to stand near the driver. His right hand picked the telescope that was dangling on his neck. Driver’s hand slowly slid off from his thighs and groping his tiny Tommy gun lying on the seat next to his - his usual gesture of precaution under such circumstances.

Pandian turned to west as if going near to the driver but turned in fraction of a second to where he was, and pounced upon him with the rubber shielded iron rods. Natarajan didn’t waste a second and did the same. Thuddddd…thuddddd…thuddddd. A perfect sequence of smacks. Everything was over in seconds.

Karuppaiya opened the car door and finished off the remaining likely doubts of existence inside. Pandian and Natarajan closed the water tank’s lid where they were hiding. Karuppaiya threw out Yamasaki’s body under the rear seat and driver’s body under the front seat and sat on driver’s seat holding its steering wheel. Other two jumped into the car and closed its doors.

Morris rolled along slowly.

“Drive slow. There will be a river bridge on the way. Let me know when you reach there” Pandian told as he was busy rummaging the leather bag. “Watch out for men and vehicles on the way”


 Natarajan, sitting in the rear seat was watchful of the road through mica window. After a thorough digging in the leather bag, Pandian started checking Major Yamasaki’s shirt pockets.

“It’s here”- he took out a yellow paper kept in an oily cloth cover, kept it in his vest pocket, turned to Natarajan.

“Go to the front side and tie up all floating stuff together.”

The new driver was driving the car towards west. Other two tore open the sear cover, made a rope out of it and completed the task of tying up floating stuff together. The bridge was visible in the front.

“Stop the car by roadside near the bridge”

The Morris stopped at the edge of road near the bridge. The shrubbery from Kabhan Jahe hills came floating in the fresh flood.

“A car is coming behind” Karuppaiya announced with his winking eyes.

“An uninvited event anyway. Sudden appearance of enemy”

Natarajan shrieked as if he were very happy at seeing the car, and jumped off to the rear side. He and Pandian looked at the new entrant intently through mica window. It was a car in undiscernible colour. Sedan. Coming in lethargic speed. Natarajan held the Japanese army telescope against his eyes and watched on attentively.

“It must a Japanese man going for harvest”

“Move aside”

Both of them pulled themselves away from the window and sat down along the sides of car.



Pandian gestured to him signaling to use the machine gun, to get ready for any eventuality.

“The moment I touch your shoulder, press the trigger”


 Karuppaiya held the Tommy Machine gun, checked its trigger and aligned it in a comfortable position in the car. Other two collected the pistols from the corpses and held it ready for action.

The Chevrolet car, arrived with a senile grunt and halted with a big heave of sigh. The Japanese yells of calling friends were heard. Pandian’s hand touched Karuppaiya’s shoulder. In fraction of a second, Tommy gun spewed out its burst fire rounds. ‘Trrrrr…trrrrr’. Pandian and Natarajan aimed at the men one after another and finished them off. Karuppaiya rose from his sat, balanced himself with his right leg on the seat, lowered the Tommy gun and pressed its trigger again for additional burst of rounds. ‘Trrrrr’


 Natarajan got off the car, thoroughly checked the Chevrolet and collected the Tommy guns lying inside it and closed its doors tightly. They rolled those two cars down into the river.

“Throw away those Tommy guns too into river”.  Natarajan and Karuppaiya threw away their Tommy guns.

“Arigato…Yamasaki san sayonara”4- Natarajan raised his right hand, waved it across and spoke theatrically looking at the river.

“Enough…let’s leave”

They walked east. The dark was descending. Shrill chirpings of beetles on both sides of the road. A swarm of mosquitoes tasted their blood, biting their bodies indiscriminately.

The road ran straight.

Kufoon Dipur- This is the name of a tobacco estate. A relative of Maruthamuthu, a local tax collector, is dead. Severe fever. He must be seven or eight years old. A big scar on his forehead” Pandian was talking in a lowered voice, as he was walking right. “We went there to attend funeral. Our motor car broke down on the way. Now we are on the way to Pulupraiyan. This is the story you have to tell till we reach Thana Labang. After that, everything will be as per instructions I already gave you”

Everyone was walking in silence.

The road to Belawan lay ahead. They turned right, towards Kesawan.


Sooner he reached Singapore, Pandian had his bath and completed his meals and went out to meet Colonel Kalik Usman. He couldn’t control his overwhelming happiness built in him. He journeyed to Sumathra by a Japanese ship, ambushed and murdered the Japanese army Major Yamasaki, retrieved a highly confidential letter from him and returned to Malaya by a Japanese ship itself. Quite a no mean achievement! It must be his good luck that he was given entry into the cargo ship leaving for Penang by the ship captain at the very moment the captain saw the permit sheet issued by the Malaya general. ‘So without any hassles I could complete the tasks successfully’  

The colonel was on another call. He gestured to Pandian with his left hand to sit on the chair opposite to him. Pandian sat down.

The telephone conversation was over.

“I could see the pride dancing across your face. Even if you have failed in bringing the letter, I believe that you must have finished Yamasaki off. Your face says so”

“The Japanese army Major Sadavo Yamasaki is dead. The letter is in the hands of Commando Captain Pramod Chandra Majumdar. Here it is” Pandian announced it in a theatrical flamboyance.

The colonel received the letter, and kept staring at Pandian for some time. He then suddenly rose from his chair, and grasped his right with his both hands.

“Pan….don’t forget one thing. Humility is what we must have when we taste success. Vanity just kills our senses. My hearty congratulations”

“Thank you colonel sir. I just acted to suit the momentous occasion we enjoy now”

“I don’t mean that. I just told it in a lighter vein. You are very young. The things you need to learn and get to know are very huge indeed. That is why I said humility is very important. Come with me…we must meet Netaji. We can discuss Pandian- Yamasaki encounter later. Your other two men?”

“They are in my room.”

“I hope no hassles, no damages”



Both left. They got the call immediately on production of their visiting cards. Netaji, who was busy writing something, looked up raising his head. Both gave him a stiff salute.  

“Kalik Usman, have a seat”

Colonel sat on the chair.

“Did you get the letter?” he turned his eyes to Pandian.

“Yes, sir” Pandian took out the letter from his shirt pocket and held it to Netaji.

He received it, read it.

“Any problems?”

“Everything happened as planned sir”

“Your men?”

“They are fine, Sir”

“Thanks, Kalik Usman”

“Sir…” Kalik Usman acknowledged it.

“All these three men should be sent on leave with adequate cash in hand. Do arrange it”

“Sure sir. I’ll do it”

“Lieutenant” Netaji called out to Pandian. He turned his face.

“You have perfectly completed the duty assigned to you. Indian National Army is proud of you. I’d like to assign you another very important task. You’ll get a call soon. Now you may go”

Both saluted Netaji and left his room.


                                      ***Chapter 27:  “Yamasaki” ended***

Note: Chapter 28: “Atom Bomb” will be posted soon.




1.      Before the war, usually the children of businessmen would join the Navy and the children of farmers in army.

2.      Coorie…Japanese people pronounce ‘l’ as ‘r’ and the Chinese pronounce ‘n’as ‘l’.   

3.      Kairi- Japanese pronunciation of Kaili, a Tamil word for lungi, a lower garment worn by south Indians especially Tamils.

4.      Mr Yamasaki, Thank you. See you”