ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 38: Life in jungle


Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 38: Life in jungle   


Pandian was sitting on a chair under teak tree. The silvery stars on the sky gleamed, smiled. The waxing crescent was throwing its cool light. The foliage around shone in golden green. The fragrance of jasmine flowers was wafting in the air. Sweeter fragrance…pleasant wind…pleasing moon light.

The thought of his village came over his mind, and proved it depressingly heavy. My village…Sinna Mangalam…Madurai…Sinna Mangalam…Madurai…I have to go back to my place. No more guns….no more jungles….no more hidings…The life in jungle is meant for only animals and barbarians. I need my friends, women, books, and pleasing scenes on streets.

The roars from the sea of trees surrounding him so closely, oppressively rose up a music of forest in the air. I can’t live in jungle anymore. It is not for me. I am a social animal. It is wrong to live alone, having differences with loved ones. It is good to have a peaceful and beautiful life with our people.

He rose, ran his fingers through his hair. Enough of this jungle life living like a beggar. I must go back home without any more delay. My trials in seeking pleasures and facing life with uncertainty are more for this young age. I have defiled my body with bad habits, but still able to retain my mind pure. My mental purity would bring me back the purity of my body which I had lost. Body is the basis of healthy life. If body gets defiled, mind would also get spoilt. I would like to lead a life of peace. What I need is a life with good conduct. Without good conduct, there will be no prosperity in life. “Right conduct exalts one; it should be prized above one’s life”.

                                         ***Chapter 38: “Life in jungle” ended***

Chapter 39: “Medal” will be posted soon. 

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