ATTENTION READERS: English translation of Pa. Singaram's epic novel புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி- 'A Boat in the Storm' is available in this blog.

Thursday 5 September 2024

A Boat in the Storm (புயலிலே ஒரு தோணி) by Pa. Singaram Chapter 36: Thangaiya


Translated into English by Saravanan Karmegam


Chapter 36: Thangaiya  


The Tonga stopped in front of Thangaiya’s house. Pandian got off the carriage, climbed onto the steps and knocked the door.

“Please come in”

He pushed the door and went in.

“You are very late”

“I had some work in Madras Straat”

Thangaiya rose, called out to a boy from the adjacent house and sent him to Calcutta Straat to get them coffee. He sat in front of Pandian.

Rajarathnam’s Thodi Raga telecast from Singapore radio was wafting through the room.

“One must listen to Rajarathnam’s Thodi Raga in the midnight sitting in front of Karaikudi Ananda Madam”

“Why midnight? Why Ananda Madam?”

“Midnight, when the whole town sleeps, is the best time to enjoy Nagaswaram. During Karaikudi Chithirai festival, when the procession reaches Ananda Madam, it would be almost midnight”

“What I know is all about only Subramaniya Temple Marimuthu’s performance in Nayanam and Samithurai Annavi’s concerts.”

“Have you heard of Marimuthu Pillai acknowledging while listening to Rajarathnam’s gramophones that the latter is essentially a little precocious though very young aged?”

Thangaiya looked up at the ceiling and laughed his heart out, and then asked, “Is Thillaimuthu writing you letters? Had I known that he was in Taiping, I would have paid a visit to meet him. Why had he gone there?”

“Both his elder brother and younger brother are settled there and he might have moved as he had got a good job there. I received a letter only once from him after that. That’s it.”

“What is his elder brother doing there?”

“He is a senior clerk in Mathewson estate. Very influential fellow”

“Thangaiya, I am planning to leave Medan”

“For your home? When?”

“No. Going to the jungle. I am going to one of the camps of Indonesian Independence Army”

“Have you gone mad? Or become something else?”

“I have made up my mind to live a life in jungle from tomorrow. A guerrilla force is getting ready in Dumas Forest areas. If we get an opportunity, we can show the Dutch army who we are”

“You have gone mad for sure. No doubt. What will your army do with the broken guns? Your help in arranging them weapons by smuggling and getting them trained in warfare are just enough. Now pack yourself up for your home. Or just keep quiet blowing out your whistle”

“You better wait and see what Dumas forces are going to unleash”

“Please have a thought about the strength of Dutch forces. How many aircraft, tanks and cannons under their possession! You know it”

“Courage is all about winning someone stronger than us. Right?”

 “Listen to me. It doesn’t matter to us whether this country is ruled by the Dutch or Indonesians. Why should we invite unnecessary troubles?”

“Unnecessary troubles and useful troubles are one and the same. Mignali conquered Punal Nadu. The people of that country seek the help from Aye Eyinan. What did he do? He gave them succour and sped to the battle field yelling ‘fear no more’.

“It is alright. What happened to that ever-happy king of kings, Aye Eyinan for risking his life in the battle field shouting ‘fear no more? He was lying on the top of Parambu hills under the scorching sun for days, keeping the remnants of his breath and died finally”

“But it is a martyrdom. A death with indelible fame” Pandian’s right hand rose above, and said, “Death is inevitable through the ages. One who lives today will die tomorrow. Will there be an end to what is called glory? As long as the Sangam literature thrives, his glorious name will never be erased”

They drank coffee and lit cigarettes.

“Pandi” Thangaiya cleared his throat and resumed his coaxing, “I am not going to ask you to change your mind. But I have one thing I must say. I just hate falling into these illusionary, fancy ideals called Independence- equality- brotherhood and thus inviting unnecessary troubles”

“Fancy ideals! They are a beautiful structure anyway. Without fantasy there is no life. No more ideals. No more society. If there is no fantasy called chastity, will there be a structure called family? Will there be an ideal family without this fantasy?”

“Human society has to march on the way based on true knowledge without fantasy is what I am saying”

“Good. Which is the path based on true knowledge? No one can say it in definite terms. According to the level one’s knowledge, truths would be perceived differently. If everyone acts upon his findings of truth, there will be chaotic destruction everywhere. To prevent it to happen, a fantasy called singularity of society was set as a boundary to one’s knowledge. A knowledge which aims to attain knowing things cannot be termed as knowledge. Knowledge is something which could discern good from bad. Nachinarkiniyan says ‘knowledge is to understand good things in good and bad things in bad”

“Which is good? Which is bad?”

“Anything that has been prescribed by the society as good and bad having the common welfare of everyone in mind”

“So, just to ensure we shouldn’t cross the boundary, humans should accept anything even if it doesn’t fit in the frame of knowledge. Shouldn’t they?”

“The unfettered knowledge and little knowledge are same. A knowledgeable man who doesn’t like to become a fool must set a limit to his knowledge. It may have different names. For Thiruvalluvar it was the path of morality. For Manikkavasagar, it was the path of devotion. For Thayumanavar, it was the path of moral conduct. Ordinary mortals like us, it is the moral codes prescribed by our ancient learned men”

“Don’t we have the right to re-examine what is good and bad in what you have named ‘moral codes’ prescribed by our ancestors?”

“Definitely you have. Why don’t we murder? It is just to prevent others from killing us. Why shouldn’t we tell lies? It is just to make others believe in us. Why shouldn’t we lust after other women? It is just to make our women not to lust after others. But we can’t explain some moral codes so easily as this.”

“Ohoo! If crabs are known to have noses, we have to accept it because it is told by a learned man. So, even if I don’t understand something, I have to accept it anyway. Right?”

“What else to do then? The learned man is Tholkappiyan. The one who interprets is Perasiriyan. We are just kindergarten kids in front of them. When we have doubts, it is convenient to rely of the codes designed by the powerful men”

“So, you mean to say we can fall into the canal if it was dug by powerful men?”

“Yes…either to swim or die in that canal with a powerful man to push us all into that. What else would this herd of human beings expect of life? Just a canal dug by a powerful man to jump into. The question is not who that powerful man is? Lord Buddha? Fuhrer Hitler? Jesus Christ? Or Comrade Lenin? The basic question is whether he is really all powerful man or not. Is he capable of making others accept his terms? If the one dictating terms is really powerful, people will then be ready to fall in any canal he shows them. That said, it seems the rule of this world that every man and woman must fall into such canals invariably one day. But the nature of this herd is that it just leaves the canals and the time of them falling into it to that powerful man’s discretion. Neither are we shown the celestial land of pleasure called heaven nor the worldly land of pleasure called earth. No one had ever seen it. When someone is confident enough to climb onto a podium to yell at everyone that he is capable of showing the masses any one of those lands of pleasure, the multitude of people would be ready to stand behind him waiting and follow whatever he dictates.”

“Isn’t there any way to escape from those tricksters who keep the masses under their spell claiming themselves redeemers and make them believe whatever they say?”

“No…it is impossible. Even if you escape falling into a pond, you can’t escape falling into a bog. Now listen to this announcement from one such redeemer:

 “Triton- Wonderful Triton algae nectar. Skin Kiss. Superb soap that gives flawless skin. A rare, magnificent combination of items. This is the only soap in the world that contains Triton Algae nectar. It is Skin Kiss, the soap that offers you beauty and delight together. About hundred doctors in Harley Street of London do recommend this. About a thousand actresses in Hollywood are using Skin Kiss soap for bathing. Skin Kiss. Read it from either side- from right or left, it remains Skin Kiss. Wonderful beauty soap that contains Triton algae nectar. Here are the superlative words of appreciation falling out of fruit-like lips of the famous actress, golden skinned damsel Kumkum Lola whose measurements stand at whopping 38”-24”-38”. Listen to her words:

“It is Skin Kiss soap that I rely on for taking bath three times a day to maintain my silky skin. How do men find me out no matter wherever I go hiding? It is because of the pleasant aroma of this Skin Kiss soap. Even if I am far away, why does everyone, no matter younger or older, seek pleasure thinking of me? It is nothing but Skin Kiss soap’s sweet dream. It gives you pleasure and happiness of kisses both in and out whenever you rub it onto your skin. If you love to have a skin like mine, and to feel the pleasure of kisses, buy Skin Kiss soap today itself. Never miss a day without Skin Kiss soap while bathing. Now you have listened to the Skin Kiss experiences of the Cine Actress Kumkum Lola. Now listen to what the ‘Light of Dance’ Jiljil Bala says about Skin Kiss!”

“So, down with turmeric! Hail Skin Kiss” Thangaiya’s right hand threw a punch on the table. His eyes glittered. He said, “Your beautiful voice fits doing fantastic business”.

“May be due to my closeness with doing business in the market. It might be true that turmeric gives you glowing skin while the Skin Kiss soap causes itching, drying out your skin like a sun dried hide meant for making sandals. Ordinary people especially the fools in the upper strata of the society like no good for their body, rather they like only those so- called novelty, very often praised by scientists who are good at using attractive words with the backing of some pseudo - scientific proofs. They like novelty, novelty, novelty and   nothing else.

“This is the new model Pig-faced car introduced this year. There were only four doors in the earlier Tiger- faced model. But the Pig-faced model introduced this year has five doors. Remember! It is five doors. This new facility which is not available in any other model has been specially designed keeping your comforts in mind. Don’t forget! It is five doors. Now here lies freshly introduced triangular, colourful bear faced wrist watch! This is the only watch available in this world that shows today’s date and day along with yesterday’s date and day.”

“Stop…stop…I feel that I need that watch now. Dumping some unwanted stuff on someone’s head is also a type of social service anyway. The business will flourish. Won’t it?”

“Ah…a saint wondered at seeing huge number of unwanted stuff being sold in the market Street”

“As long as dupes are around, there will always be experts in duping people. Let us keep this herd-human beings aside. My question is simple. Can’t man, with his six senses, lead a noble life in a world of nature without these complicated fancy codes of conduct?”

“In the life in Nature, man is perfectly a guileless animal. It is only in this fake society, man becomes an animal hiding himself with clothes. Sooner the fantasy about clothes came in, it was certain that fantasies about chastity, property, and deities would also come in. If there is no fantasy, there will be no specific character assigned to society.”

“Let us suppose there is no fantasy about gods. Will there be any loss because of it?”

“How to control the monkey called mind which swings on the rope of desire? How to attain mental peace? Desire doesn’t have limits. Thayumanavar sings like this: “Desire knows no bounds. Even if they rule over the entire world, they would still like to sway their power over ocean. Those who are richer than the gods, still like to learn alchemy to turn everything into gold. Those who enjoy fame that would stand for ever shall still like to have the nectar of immortality”

“Fulfillment of one’s desire is not depending on one’s ability and eligibility alone. It is why the fantasy about god had stipulated a limit to the vanity about human talent and efforts. It is a boundary set to limit the limitless space of mind”

“We don’t have time to discuss and sort out the issues of these divine fantasies. We can do it some other day. I would like to know what had actually prompted my friend to fall on Aya Eyinan and Parambu hills”

“The fantasy which has charmed our Chinna Mangalam Pandian is nothing but a noble character to help the less powerful who fight against more powerful enemies. It is sweet fantasy which fictionally talks about ideals like masculinity that helps to cut open the yokes of slavery. No in-depth research, to dig out the facts whether Eyinan and Mignali had any conflict on women and land, is required now.”

Thangaiya picked up the cigarette box lying on the table as he laughed at it.

“It’s alright. What is the use of coaxing a man who still fantasizes about knowledge, morality, seeking of truth and sins?”

“Thangaiya, there is no such great stupidity than indulging in discussion that has no end. There is no limit to it. Confusions would result in destruction. What is the truth behind man-woman relationship? What was the basis on which the exemptions we find today were made? Pharaohs of Egypt married their own blood related sisters and daughters to get children. Cleopatra’s husband arranged by her father was her own brother”

“The social customs and traditions would take different shapes according to the needs of society”

“Yes. You are right. But if the moral codes take such different shapes, there will be a chaos, unbridled chaos. So did come the standardization of moral codes”

“Ohoo…it just means that there are some codes of morality for sake of society’s good. It means they are just fantasies. To be very precise, they are just plain lies. Right?”

“Both are acceptable to me anyway, be it fantasy or lies. What we mean by it does assume significance. If we don’t have a strong belief in something, we will lose our grip in life. As you grow older with your faculty of discernment getting stronger, you are more prone to develop dislike for your relationships, belongings, skills and accomplishments. Which is permanent relationship? Which is our belonging? Is there anything called undying talent? Or accomplishments? Nothing…nothing is ever lasting. So, there are a lot of beliefs to attain permanence in an impermanent life”

“Fake fantasies”

“I am not worried about how you call it. Why do you believe that the earth rotates in an axis and revolves around the sun? Did you see it? Or just believe it what other had said? It is just a truth based on belief occurred in someone’s mind that first appeared as a fantasy. Do you know the equipment and the calculations it made in order to arrive at the finding that light travels 186000 miles per second? Both equipment and calculations were made of measurements assessed in one’s imaginations. Weren’t they? Listen to this verse.

I saw a peacock dancing in the sky.

The peacock became a cuckoo.

The Peacock became a cuckoo.”

It is just a plain imagination that occurred in one’s mind. But isn’t a better scene in every sense than the ones in the plays of schemes enacted by liars and the iron dolls dancing in puppet shows?”   


“We can’t differentiate fantasy from truth”

“Will of God and notions of rebirth are plain ideas based on imaginations. You, I, Atlantic Ocean, and Australian continent are conclusive truths from knowledge”    

“Ohoo…There is a guy from Patha here. He has neither known anything about Madurai nor seen it. What is Madurai to him now? Is it a truth or just a lie?”

“The existence of Madurai doesn’t depend on the guy from Patha. He can very well ask people to know about it or can go to Madurai in person if he prefers to know about it”

“O.K. What about a person who doesn’t know about the Mount Everest?”

“Everyone can’t scale the Mount Everest to know about it. He has to believe in others’ words saying they have seen it”

“What about the planet Mars?”

“There is no way other than believing in what those scientists sitting on earth say, probably with their guess-works”           

 “So, there are different ways to understand different thigs. Right? Judging something as not-existing if you don’t know about it and passing it as a lie if you don’t understand it, are fundamentally wrong. Right?”

“You try to get me confused with your flair for argument. You try to make a point that path of knowledge is wrong. Don’t you?”

“No. I mean the knowledge which is not controlled will kill mankind one day. Like a whore who would offer either truncated or generous service according to the amount she gets, knowledge would also adjust the human whims and expectations. The path of knowledge has always helped to prove right the decisions sprouted from the seeds of one’s desires. The path of knowledge which had once helped prove the mental inferences of powerful people that the earth is flat, spherical, and elliptical will remain prepared in future as well to prove any other contrary notions about the earth being box shaped propounded intrepidly by any powerful person. As long as the decision makers and the ones proving it right are the same, and tools for proving it are made by those who prove it right, it gets easier to prove anything.”

“You are just distorting the path of knowledge. Ok. Leave it for now. Why do you poke your nose into the conflict between Dutch and Indonesians?”

“We, the descendants of Aya Eyinan, hold a moral stand to help the wars fought against tyranny, no matter where it is. Don’t we?”

“So, you are going to fight the tyranny of the Dutch so as to bring in sovereignty for Indonesians. Right?”

“Truly speaking, it is my personal choice. Of late, I have grown bored. I will have some peace of mind if I could change my place and work for some time.”

“I don’t appreciate your decision. Do revisit your decision again and decide”

“I will let you know. May I take leave now?”

“O.K. Come back soon, fully contented”.


                                           ***Chapter 36 “Thangaiya” ended***

Chapter 37: “Gangsar” will be posted soon. 

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